The history of the Indian sacred book (Atharva-Veda) and its Contribution to the Integrative Medicine Model

  • Paulo Nuno Martins Interuniversity Center for History of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Ayurveda medicine, Indian Sacred books (Atharva- Veda), integrative medicine model


There are four Vedas (the Sacred books of Hinduism). The  fourth,  the  Atharvaveda,  cover several topics related with health sciences (diseases, their causes and cures, longevity, and so on), and so this Veda is considered to be a precursor of Ayurveda. This paper seeks to be a study of the contribution of the Ayurveda to the appearance of  the  Integrative  medicine  model  (synthesis  of Ayurveda with Western medicine).

How to Cite
Nuno Martins, P. (2017). The history of the Indian sacred book (Atharva-Veda) and its Contribution to the Integrative Medicine Model. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 8.