The Cognition Partition: Toward the Horizons College

  • John Warfield George Mason University
Keywords: cognition partition, horizons college, systems design, complexity matrix


The cognition partition is the name given to the division of learning into two domains: the domain of normality and the domain of complexity.  Requirements for learning differ vastly between these two domains. The traditional division of learning is based on dividing by topical area, i.e., by discipline; but such a division is unsatisfactory because it implicitly embeds the assumption that there is no cognitive distinction to be made among the disciplines insofar as learning is concerned. Examination of subject matter through the lens of the recent discovery of metrics of complexity makes very clear that many of the disciplines, and especially the social science disciplines, require reorganization for learning, based upon what has been learned about the cognitive aspects of complexity. This requires the implementation of the cognition partition, using principles from systems science. Implementation is best accomplished through a dedicated doctoral program in a new university appendage called the Horizons College, which is dedicated to systems design. This will accomplish desirable social objectives while expanding learning opportunities

How to Cite
Warfield, J. (2010). The Cognition Partition: Toward the Horizons College. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 1.