Educating for Joy

  • Antonella Verdiani Researcher, Trainer, France
Keywords: education, training, joy and happiness, educationg for joy


The disciplinary fragmentation matches with the dangerous fragmentation of the human being, the body becoming separated from his emotions,  separated from the intellect,  which is separated from the spiritual mind. The most obvious consequence is the loss of the joy of learning, of teaching ...  the joy of simply living.  My thesis is that education can bring humans back to their true nature, which is joyful.  Educating for the sake of joy is possible; many experiences exist that can be reproduced. This article will highlight those offered by a system known as “integral education”.   But above all, what do we mean when we speak about “joy”?

How to Cite
Verdiani, A. (2013). Educating for Joy. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 4.