Transdisciplinarity and Public Policy

Nicolescuian, Zurich, and Brazilian approaches

  • Sue L. T. McGregor
Keywords: transdisciplinarity, public interest, public policy, public administration, Brazilian holopraxis, Nicolescuian, Zurich


Public policy is intended to protect the public interest, which is threatened by complex problems such as climate change, global pandemics, unsustainability, violence, and inequality. Policymakers are challenged when dealing with these issues because an array of stakeholders has different perspectives, interests, positions, value sets, resource complements, and so on. Finding common ground to move forward is a complex imperative. To that end, for the first time, this article spells out the Nicolescuian, Zurich, and Brazilian approaches to transdisciplinarity as they pertain to public policy. They each offer a different but viable way for public administrators to find practical, contextual solutions for compelling issues affecting the public interest.


How to Cite
McGregor, S. L. T. (2023). Transdisciplinarity and Public Policy. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 14.