Transdisciplinary Theater for the Re-enchantment of the Being and the World

  • Domingo Adame Veracruzana University, Mexico
Keywords: Theatre, re-enchantment, transtheatre, transdisciplinary methodology, Hidden Third


In this communication I’m interested in answering the question about how the theatre that has transdisciplinarity as its support, can contribute to the “re-enchantment of the being and the world”, for its quite clear that the theatrical model legitimated doesn’t allow nowadays a satisfying relation with the complexity that constitutes the Subject. I will check, therefore, how the transdisciplinary principles of levels of reality, the included middle and complexity, as well as transdisciplinary attitude based on the conscious and cosmic verticality, can help giving the theatre a quality that, through the Hidden Third, allows the union between Subject and Object, meaning the “Re-enchantment of the being and the world”. I’ll reference the experiences that have affinity with this goal and I’ll point out the characteristics of what I call Transtheatre.

How to Cite
Adame, D. (2019). Transdisciplinary Theater for the Re-enchantment of the Being and the World. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 10.