Transdisciplinary Artful Doing in Spaces of Experimentation and Imagination

  • Hans Dieleman Autonomous University of Mexico-City, Mexico
Keywords: transdisciplinary practice, reflective action, artful doing, experiences, imagination, education


This article links transdisciplinarity with reflective action and artful doing, as well as with the concept of spaces of experimentation and imagination. It argues that artful doing is a genuine transdisciplinary practice that is at once rooted in sensitivity, intuition as well as analytical rationality. It organically links analytical and feelings intelligence with the intelligence of the body. It goes on to show how artful doing can be studied, taught and practiced in spaces of experimentation and imagination. Such spaces invite to explore the world simultaneously on various levels of reality and through various activities such as analysis, introspection, dialogues of knowing, manipulating reality thus constructing alternative realities. The article analysis that working in such spaces implies hybridization of usually separated spheres as art, science, engineering, design, public policy, education, and more. Finally, the article focuses on implementing transdisciplinarity in universities and identifies 5 critical aspects in the implementation process.

How to Cite
Dieleman, H. (2012). Transdisciplinary Artful Doing in Spaces of Experimentation and Imagination. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 3.