The Emigration of the Portuguese People and the Reception of Refugees in Portugal

  • André Leiria
  • Paulo Martins
Keywords: Migration, international immigrants, Refugees, temporary workers


Migration is a challenging global phenomenon that has been a growing trend in recent years. In 2020, it is revealed that approximately 3.6% of the world population were international immigrants [3]. In the same year, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), around 10% of all refugees in the world were living in the EU and around 2.25 million residence permits were issued, showing a decrease relative to 2019 due to the existing pandemic crisis.

How to Cite
Leiria, A., & Martins, P. (2022). The Emigration of the Portuguese People and the Reception of Refugees in Portugal. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 13.
Short Letters on Social & Environmental Challenges for a Sustainable World